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DSE Assessments 

Employee Health & Wellbeing Advice & Support

Your workers are your most important asset; you want to protect their health and promote their wellbeing, but perhaps you are unsure how to achieve this across your business? 


If you run a small business, a start-up, or a large organisation and employ people who work with display screen equipment (DSE) regularly, like PCs, laptops, tablets, and smartphones, you may or may not be aware of your legal obligations that apply to all DSE users.


The DSE regulations apply to DSE users who use this equipment daily, for continuous periods of an hour or more. 

Office worker with pain from sitting at desk all day.png

A DSE Assessment reviews the workstation and the Display Screen Equipment that is used by employees. DSE covers any device with a screen, including desktop computers, laptops, and tablets used as part of the worker's job. 


Assessments protect the health of people who work with these devices and help to reduce common injuries and issues, including blurred vision, musculoskeletal problems, temporary myopia, and headaches.


A professionally carried out DSE Assessment can help identify the risks associated with the workstation and DSE equipment and provide guidance and awareness of long-term health problems.


The regulations don't apply to workers who use DSE infrequently or only use it for a short time. 

Are Your Homeworkers Working Safely?

Since the pandemic, workers have the option to split their time between the workplace and working from home. However, assessing a worker's displays screen equipment at home remains vital for employers to meet their duty of care and legal requirements.


As an employer, you must protect your workers from the health risks associated with the use of display screen equipment (DSE), who are: 


  • Working at fixed workstations

  • Working remotely 

  • Working from home 

  • Using hot desks 


Choose A DSE Service to suit your Organisation

DSE Workstation Assessments 

One of the Embark Consultants will carry out a DSE Assessment at your office locations, providing a report to your business and giving advice and guidance during the assessment to your workers.  


Remote Homeworkers DSE Assessments 

Ideal for homeworkers, an Embark Consultant will carry out an online DSE Assessment via Zoom/Teams of your workers home set up, this also includes and assessment of their homeworking environment. Providing your business with a concise report on homeworkers, and empowering your employees with advice and guidance 


Risk Rated Self Assessments & Online Surveys (results/reporting)  

Assessing your workers DSE and Home Working environments through our online surveys, that is then reviewed by an Embark Consultant and risk rated dependant on the response. An ideal method to reach a large volume of workers quickly, encouraging worker engagement and ideal for businesses with employees working remotely and internationally. A follow up Remote Homeworkers DSE Assessment is ideal for those identified as elevated risk. 


Identification and review of vulnerable workers 

Any worker identified as being vulnerable or with additional needs, will require a specialist DSE Assessment. This will form part of all DSE Assessments, and an Embark Consultant will assist you in identifying solutions to help those workers effectively. 


Creating and implementing DSE procedures 

Part of meeting legal compliance and ensuring your workers health and well-being is maintained and promoted is the implementation of a companywide procedure for DSE. This will set out the frequency, the process to follow and the steps for those workers that may require additional support. 


DSE Awareness Training 

Whether onsite or via one of our e-Learning courses, awareness training is vital to the promotion of well-being amongst your employees. It will help to empower your workers with knowledge to help them identify and adjust themselves. Potentially alleviating the pressure on the business to assess workers more frequently. 


DSE Assessment Train the Trainer tailored courses  

Ideal for larger businesses, following an onsite DSE Assessment campaign, our consultant will train an individual or a team who will be able to carry out future DSE Assessments on workers in the team or department. Suitable for new starters and when changes have been made to a workspace. This can also form part of our Retained Health and Safety Service, which would keep those trainers up to date with legal requirements and refresher training. 

Questions we are often asked

Who needs a DSE Assessment?

 All 'DSE Users.' This means any employee who uses DSE (Display Screen Equipment) daily, for a continuous period of an hour or more. No matter the location, this may include an office, home, client site, or when using a handheld device in the field (i.e., construction site)



What does this service cover?

Our expert team of consultants will provide a streamlined service that identifies potential risks to your employees along with staff requiring additional support and possible long-term health exposures.



Why does my business need to assess

DSE users? 

All employers have a duty of care to their employees and need to meet their legal obligations under the Health and Safety (Display Screen Equipment) Regulations 1992, the Health and Safety at Work act 1974, and other associated regulations include: 


  • Carry out workstation assessments

  • Reduce risks, including making sure workers take breaks from DSE work or do something different 

  • Make suitable and sufficient adjustments to your worker's equipment and working environment

  • Identify workers that are at higher risk, and implement additional measures

  • Provide an eye test where required for DSE use 

  • Provide training and information for workers


How will my business benefit from DSE Assessments?

Our expert DSE Assessors will provide you with the reassurance that any DSE-related issues such as muscular-skeletal disorders (MSDs) and work-related upper limb disorder (WRULDs) are mitigated effectively.  


By protecting your workers and adopting a proactive approach to your employee's use of Display Screen Equipment, your business will reduce absenteeism, increase productivity, minimise injury, increase employee engagement and wellbeing and boost profitability. 

Reduce Absenteeism

Increase Productivity

Employee Wellbeing

Boost Profitability

Minimise Injuries

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Why We Make The Difference 


Our services are tailored to suit your organisation, to provide the support that really protects your business.


By working in partnership with you, we work toward a common goal of positive changes in your workplace whilst delivering legal compliance.


Our collaborative approach ensures you have industry-leading advice at your fingertips.


Understanding your business needs and goals are key to our effective partnership.


We pride ourselves on our industry knowledge and expertise, established around a team of experienced consultants from various industry backgrounds. Giving you access to consultants who understand your industry and sectors.


Industries evolve, and practices change. To keep pace, all consultants undertake regular Continous Professional Development, ensuring that our knowledge is always up-to-date and relevant.


We help to alleviate the Health and Safety burden. Through the delivery of practical and cost-effective solutions, we enable you to focus on running your business.


By delivering an efficient service, we are here to support you when you need us most, with a flexible and adaptive provision.


Our service enables you to meet your legal responsibilities while continuing to run your business effectively.



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+44 (0) 203 6374744



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